Fundamental Features of COMSHARP CMS
Author: its
Post: 6/22/2007 (6:21 PM)
Reads: 10669
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Static Url
Content html code
With all of the fundamental features of traditional CMS, COMSHARP CMS helps you to create a full featured website in short time.

Fundamental Features of COMSHARP CMS
This is also the process of site building with COMSHARP CMS. After deployment, you get a site framework with default design and sample content. You can work with the default design and have modifications over the layout, coloring, navigation, and site elements, textures.
Meanwhile, you can replace the sample content with your own content by FrEE (Front End Editing) system.
With the completion of the content, you can submit your site to search engines to let potential users come to you.
Fianlly you should backup your site with maintenance tools. In case you need a disaster recover you can easily recover your site from the latest backup, or you can migrate your site to a new server with the Migration feature.