作者: its
发布: 2007/9/10 (14:44)
阅读: 40458
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COMSHARP CMS 默认采用开源的 TinyMCE 作为 WYSIWYG 编辑器,该编辑器稳定可靠,轻量却功能强大,支持 IE, Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape, Opera, Safari 等多种浏览器,最可贵的是,该浏览器可以生成完全符合 W3C 标准的 HTML 代码,保证您创作的站点内容通过 W3C 验证。
世界上许多知名 CMS 产品均采用 TinyMCE 方案,包括:
- Alfresco Open Source Enterprise Content Management System
- ATutor Learning Content Management System
- BIGACE Open Source Web CMS from Germany. Easy, fast, extendable. TinyMCE available as AddOn.
- bitweaver TinyMCE available as a package for html format plugin
- Citadel An open source groupware platform (email, calendars, contacts, forums, etc.) that uses TinyMCE as its WYSIWYG editor.
- ClickCommerce An easy CMS developed in Italy by wirge.
- Content Management System TinyMCE standard included
- COMSHARP CMS .NET & W3C Based CMS (TinyMCE as the default content editor)
- CMS made simple plugin available from CMSms Forge
- Contenido
- Contentpapst TinyMCE integration as of V3.6, plugin available from Entwickler-Blog
- ContentXL JSP based CMS with TinyMCE as editor)
- CWSnetwork wcm.desk - Java based CMS (TinyMCE is the Content Editor)
- croMEA - Java based Content Management System that use TinyMCE as it's default WYSIWYG editor.
- dit.cms - Open Source CMS, for PHP programmers that wish to focus on module development.
- dotCMS - Open Source Enterprise Web CMS, CRM and eCommerce platform.
- Drupal → instructions
- e107 → e107's Default WYSIWYG Editor - TinyMCE w/e107 Docs
- Easy-Web A website CMS from Datawise Systems in Norwich, Norfolk
- Edit-X - Control Your Content
- Etomite CMS - Content Management Simplified . Fast, Free, and Infinitely Flexible
- Expression Engine
- EZ Webitor CMS - PHP based CMS from Winters Webs
- Desk02 SEO CMS - Search Engine Optimised CMS
- Falt4 CMS - Fast, smart, multilingual and modular LGPL CMS for the User and the Pros
- iPoint portal - Java based, JSR-168 compliant, open source collaboration portal
- JCE - Joomla Content Editor
- JCMS - Jalios content management and portal solution
- Joomla
- Knowledgeroot - Open Source Knowledgebase System with AJAX navigation-tree
- Apache Lenya (TinyMCE integration as of Lenya 1.4)
- Lateral Arts CMS System - Designer-Oriented CMS system with extendible modules
- Mambo CMS, also have a look at the MOStlyCE plugin
- MemHT Portal
- MeshCMS - File-based Java CMS (uses TinyMCE since 2004)
- Midgard CMS - Open Source CMS and Web Application Framework
- MMBase
- MOA Express
- MODx as of release version 0.9.5 MODx uses TinyMCE as its default WYSIWYG editor
- Movable Type plugin available from Movalog Plugins
- New Media CMS - New Media CMS built using ColdFusion
- MySphere CMS - Blog and CMS created with PHP, Zend Framework and Ajax
- OLAT - Java based e-learning system (LMS, LCMS) that use TinyMCE as editor in the folder component.
- openEngine
- OsirisCMS
- Papoo
- Pearl - Web based business management, ecommerce and website building
- PG-CMS - a CMS especially for schools (not only in German)
- PHP-Fusion
- PHP-Nuke
- PivotX and Pivot - open source blog software that both uses TinyMCE as the Wysiwyg editor.
- Plicity
- Plone
- PostNuke - Open Source Content Management, module scribite! integrates various WYSIWYG editors (also TinyMCE) in postnuke modules.
- PrestoSports - Sports information CMS uses TinyMCE for rich, simple, and form editing.
- Puzzle Apps CMS
- Red Tree Systems' CMS - A Search Engine Friendly, high-end CMS system
- Renao
- Skeleton™ CMS - Skeleton™ CMS by Hollow Industries uses Tiny MCE for editing i "easy mode".
- SpireMedia™ ESM3 - The SpireMedia™ Enterprise Site Management (ESM) platform uses Tiny MCE as of release 3 in 2008.
- SOS Webpages - Simple Open Source Webpage Management System with Tiny MCE for editing text.
- SWiM - Semantic wiki for mathematics, based on IkeWiki, but with custom extensions to Tiny MCE for annotating mathematical knowledge
- TYPO3 - Plugin from outraxX
- TYPOlight - PHP based open source CMS system
- umbraco - ASP.NET Open Source CMS System
- vinca - vinca cms and newsletter-system
- W3StudioCMS Ajax free Content Management System
- WebPRO Creative
- WebStudio Enhanced Content Management System from made.By company in Lithuania
- Wordpress - plugin, WordPress 2.0 now uses TinyMCE as the default WYSIWYG editor.
- Xaraya - Version history and Demo - login
- Xciton - Sitemanagementtool based on xlntcms with TinyMCE integrated as default WYSIWYG editor
- XOOPS - Module by ralf57
- b2evolution
COMSHARP CMS 另外集成了一种更轻量级的 WYSIWYG 编辑器 Htmlarea
该编辑器功能简洁,对资源占用更少,速度比 TinyMCE 快,但不具备 TinyMCE 的强大功能,也不支持多浏览器,生成的 HTML 代码也不符合 W3C 标准,所以,除非您浏览器资源占用有非常苛刻的要求,否则不建议使用该编辑器。