世界著名汽車品牌 Logo 設計變遷史
作者: its
發布: 2010/2/28 (下午 12:01)
閱讀: 41721
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Logo 是一個品牌的圖形標志,對汽車而言,Logo 被賦予更多的意義,奔馳讓人想到成熟與富有,而 Aston Martin 則代表張揚,世界著名汽車廠商在 Logo 的設計中傾注了大量心血,他們的 Logo 都經歷過一個漫長的變遷史,本文介紹22個著名汽車品牌的 Logo 變遷。
01. Alfa Romeo

Alfa Romeo,意大利車商,1906 年創立于法國。
02. Aston Martin

Aston Martin 是英國一家高檔跑車廠家,1913年由 Lionel Martin 與 Robert Bamford 創建。
03. Audi

04. BMW

BMW 最早是一家飛機制造公司,據說 Logo 的顏色來自巴伐利亞國旗,也有說與飛行員在飛機上所看到的白與藍色彩有關。我更喜歡1954那個版本,有誰說過,Logo 是不該用漸變色的。
05. Buick

成立于1903年的別克汽車公司,后來成為全球最大的汽車制造商通用。這個 Logo 的變遷實在太亂了。
06. Cadillac

卡迪拉克的新 Logo 是1998年才確立下來,最終推出是200年,Logo 的設計本著“藝術與科技”的思想。
07. Chrysler

The Company was formed by Walter Percy Chrysler on June 6, 1925, with the remaining assets of Maxwell Motor Company. The original Chrysler logo, which vanished after 1954 from all but 1955-1956 Windsors, C300s, and 300Bs with manual transmissions*, and reappeared in 1994, is a rendition of a wax seal complete with ribbon affixed at the lower right. The thunderbolts above and below the name are actually “Z”s, a tribute to the prototype built before Chrysler took over Maxwell, which took the name “Zeder” from chief engineer Fred Zeder. (At the time, Chrysler was trying to keep development of the new car and his involvement in it a secret, probably still upset about the loss of the car that was supposed to be the first Chrysler. This car design was sold to Billy Durant as a liquidated asset in the Willys-Overland bankruptcy; Durant eventually built this car under the Flint name.)
Starting in the 1980s, Chrysler adopted “modernistic” logos in print materials and on some car nameplates. During the “rebirth” of Chrysler in the late 1990s, the Chrysler “seal” logo was installed in wings. After Cerberus bought Chrysler, Trevor Creed was let loose on the traditional pentastar. Shortly after the Fiat takeover, Chrysler trademarked another new logo, based on a modernized wing design. [Read More..]
In 2009, Chrysler redesigned it’s logo for their adorn cars, The look is sleeker and clearly more modern than the previous winged logo, which incorporated the old Chrysler seal. The new one has an almost Aston-esque (Aston Martin) vibe to it, featuring “Chrysler” embossed in a blue emblem centered between the outstretched wing.