48 個設計出眾的網站 Favicon

Favicon 是顯示在地址欄上的網站的視覺標志,也用作網站書簽圖標。Favicon 可以幫助訪問者對你的網站內容有一個視覺印象,除此之外,Favicon 很好看,一個設計出眾的 Favicon 本身是一種視覺享受,Smashing Magazine 曾發表過很多 Favicon 相關的文章,本文是 Smashing Magazine 精選的最新的50個設計出眾的 Favicon。

Smashing Magazine ~ we smash you with the information that will make your life easier. really.

Smashing Magazine 曾發表過不少 Favicon 相關的文章:

這里是 Smashing Magazine 精選的50個設計出眾的 Favicon

Favicon Notifu: http://www.notifu.com/
Favicon Celsius Compile: http://www.celsius-compile.de/

Derek Allard: http://www.derekallard.com

Favicon Typo3 Switch: http://www.typo3switch.com/
Favicon Tajloro: http://www.tajloro.com/
Favicon Nicole Bauer: http://www.nicolebauer.com/
Favicon Computersight: http://www.computersight.com/
Favicon Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Hong Kong: http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/
Favicon Sodevious: http://sodevious.net/
Favicon Inspired Buddy: http://www.inspiredbuddy.com/
Favicon Digital Camera Resource Page: http://www.dcresource.com/
Favicon Accessites: http://accessites.org/site/
Favicon Creative News: http://creativenews.ru/
Favicon Bed and Breakfast Brescia: http://www.bedandbreakfastbrescia.com/
Favicon Web Urbanist: http://weburbanist.com/
Favicon LoupDeLou: http://www.loopdelou.com/
Favicon Vida Comunicação: http://www.vidacomunicacao.com.br/
Favicon Clay Ant: http://www.clayant.co.za/
Favicon Patrick Monkel’s Karma: http://www.patrickmonkel.nl/
Favicon Designspotter: http://www.designspotter.com/
Favicon Train 1 on 1: http://www.train1on1.co.uk/
Favicon Turism Point Romania: http://www.turismpointromania.ro/
Favicon Heartprints: http://www.heartprintsadoption.com/
Favicon The Pennsylvania Federation of College Republicans: http://pacollegerepublicans.com/
Favicon Burrow Physiotherapy Pontefract: http://www.burrowphysiotherapy.co.uk/
Favicon Dean J. Robinson: http://deanjrobinson.com/
Favicon Salt Solutions: http://www.saltsolutions.com/
Favicon Lyte Byte: http://www.lytebyte.com/
Favicon Foxycart: http://www.foxycart.com/
Favicon Notified: http://www.notified.tv/
Favicon Evoluted: http://www.evoluted.net/
Favicon Lifesize: http://www.lifesize.com/
Favicon Iconified: http://iconified.de/
Favicon Kidsmodern: http://www.kidsmodern.com/
Favicon Knoxville Tourism: http://www.knoxville.org/
Favicon Etnies: http://etnies.com/
Favicon Max Voltar: http://maxvoltar.com/
Favicon we:presenter: http://www.we-presenter.com/
Favicon Scrumy: https://scrumy.com/
Favicon Stefano Verna. (Yes, a simple idea, but very effective in a bookmark list.): http://www.stefanoverna.com/
Favicon Web Magazine: http://www.web-magazine.it/
Favicon My Bank Tracker: http://www.mybanktracker.com/
Favicon Get a Freelancer. (Reminds me of the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro.): https://www.getafreelancer.com/
Favicon Scinexx: http://www.scinexx.de/
Favicon Diplod: http://www.diplod.it/
Favicon Strands: http://www.strands.com/
Favicon Custom Canvas: http://www.customcanvas.co.nz/
Favicon I like to Design. (Last but not least, a very animated one.): http://www.iliketodesign.ca/






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