60 個優秀 Web 布局設計教程

Web 布局設計是一項充滿挑戰的工作,不僅涉及到行業,潮流與對時尚的把握,還涉及到風格與技術,本文精選了60例優秀的 Web 布局設計,每例設計都有詳細的教程,而這些設計本身具有非常好的啟迪作用,可以激發設計師的創作靈感,它們體現了當今海外 Web 設計最清新的風格。

Design Lab TV Styled Layout

GreenPress WordPress Theme Design

Design Studio Layout

Website Gallery Layout Design

Tutorial Site Blog Design

Chocolate Pro WordPress Style Layout

Simple 2 Column Blog Layout

Portfolio Gallery Layout

Corporate WordPress Style Layout

Glossy & Creative Art Blog Design

Design Studio Web Page

Wordpress Mockup Layout

Wordpress Layout #2 Tutorial

Wordpress Layout #3 Tutorial

Wordpress Layout #4 Tutorial

Portfolio Web Layout #1 Tutorial

Portfolio Web Layout #2 Tutorial

Portfolio Web Layout #2 Tutorial

Portfolio Web Layout #4 Tutorial

Portfolio Web Layout #5 Tutorial

Car Sales Layout Tutorial

Games Portal Layout

Tutorial Layout Tutorial

Software Layout #1 Tutorial

Software Layout #2 Tutorial

Computer Shop Layout Tutorial

Mini Layout #1 Tutorial

Dj/Music Layout Tutorial

Dj/Music Layout #2 Tutorial

Funky Web Design Layout

Funky Web Design Layout #2

Web Design Layout #2 Tutorial

Web Design Layout #6

Personal Portfolio Layout

Video Sharing Layout

Video Sharing Layout #2

Business Layout #2

Hosting Layout

Create a Magic Night Themed Web Design from Scratch in Photoshop

Photoshop Paper Texture from Scratch then Create a Grungy Web Design with it!

How to Create a Grunge Web Design in Photoshop

Create a Dark Themed Web Design from Scratch

Create a Sleek, High-End Web Design from Scratch

Design a Cartoon Grunge Web site Layout

Portfolio Web Layout

Colorful Funky Web Layout Tutorial

Web Design Agency Layout

Sport PSD Layout

Rock band layout - Music layout

Modern Web 2.0 Web Layout

VJ Layout - Video Streaming Layout

Wedding Layout

Grunge Digital Portfolio Website

Creating A Professional Magazine Web Layout

Hosting Web Template

Clean Restaurant Layout

Furniture Layout - Designer Layout

Create A Vibrant Vector Style Layout

Nature Portfolio Layout

Fresh Layout


本文國際來源:http://www.area1.info/2009/03/12/60-best-layout-design-tutorials/中文翻譯來源:COMSHARP CMS 官方網站




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