研究发现 SharePoint 更多被用于文件共享

很多人都在研究 SharePoint 的应用情况,人们是否在用?如何用?是否喜欢用?很多研究的结果都倾向于一个相同的结论,就是 SharePoint 应用广泛,但并没有被完整利用起来。AIIM 和 Information Architected 都做过这方面的研究,他们的研究报告很可以说明问题。

SharePoint 最新研究

最近 AIIM 和 Oracle 委托 Information Architected 对 SharePoint 做了一项研究,向 AIIM 的2000个用户发出问卷调查,问卷发出后,共收到616份回复,其中的353份用于该报告,涵盖了中等到大型企业。尽管回复用户不算很多,但基本可以说明问题,该报告可以免费下载



  • 83% 的用户正在或准备使用 SharePoint
  • SharePoint 主要被部署在工作组和部门级
  • 75% 表示 SharePoint 的实现周期在一年或一年内
  • 47% 的用户将 SahrePoint 用于文件共享(也有47%的用户表示用于内部门户网)
  • 很少被用于复杂的商业应用,记录管理或数字资产管理
  • SharePoint 被视为一个大型企业内容管理(ECMS)战略的一个组件。
  • 47%的用户表示他们会将 SharePoint 用于外部网络站点(22%表示已经这样做了)

SharePoint 定制

另一个值得一提的是问题是,SharePoint 的定制以及同第三方方案的集成。50%的被调查者表示定制需要的努力比预想得大(33%的人表示有点大,而17%表示大得多)。


使用 SharePoint 的开支

对那些希望部署 SharePoint 的用户来说,多数并不对 SharePoint 的部署费用以及授权费用感到意外,说明微软在向用户解释许可模式方面已经有了不少进步。

The Path Ahead for SharePoint

This report doesn't provide real insight into the path ahead for SharePoint — not that it should. If the reality is that SharePoint is only being used for a small percentage of its functionality, then there is much work that needs to be done by Microsoft and the SharePoint community at large to make organizations aware of its full potential.

If Microsoft can sell over a million copies, only to have most use it as a document repository with some collaboration, think how many they could sell if organizations saw its value as a true "platform".


Many vendors of third-party enterprise content management and social media solutions already see this as they continually offer integrated solutions to SharePoint. Yet the continual misuse and incorrect implementations that are regularly reported seem to shy enterprises away from using SharePoint as a more critical component of their technology strategy.

Perhaps its time we see more positive use case studies on SharePoint. Perhaps its time to balance the story. Perhaps. Of course, this assumes the positive case studies are out there.





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