墨西哥湾的石油污染事故已经过去三个月,这个人类历史上最严重人为环境灾难引起了全球的关注,人们通过各种方式展示这场灾难的严重程度,包括 Infographics。本文收集了大量关于这场事故的 Infographics 图片,很多数据,当它可以感受的时候,往往是触目惊心的。
下面的这组 Infographics 图片可以告诉我们,为什么美国需要在他们的国土之外大量开采石油。
Burning Trough Oil (世界离不开石油)

Oil, What’s Left (石油,还剩下多少)

U.S. Oil Consumption vs. Production(美国石油消费与产量)

Just how reliant is the US on foreign oil?(美国对进口石油的依赖) 
Oil and Alternatives(石油与替代品)

Energy Bill vs Oil Companies Contributions to Senators(那些支持和反对能源法案的石油巨头)

Offshore Drilling(离岸开采)

Oil Primer: Where it Comes From, Where it Goes(石油生产与消费图)

Greenopia’s Top 5 Oil Companies and their Oil Spills(5大石油巨头石油泄漏数据)

The physics of oil spills(石油泄露的物理知识)

The World’s Most Disasterous Oil Spills(全球石油泄露大灾难)

The Worst Spills(最严重的石油泄露灾难)

The world’s largest oil spills(世界最大的几次石油泄漏事件)

The Biggest Oil Spills(最大的几次石油泄露事件)

Comparing Exxon Valdez to the Gulf Oil Spill(埃克森石油泄露事件和这次墨西哥湾石油泄露事件对比)

How the Gulf of Mexico oil spill happened(墨西哥湾石油泄露是如何发生的)

BP Oil Spill Timeline(BP石油泄露事件时间线) 
Oil Spill Timeline(另一个版本)

Timeline: Oil spill in the Gulf(又一个版本)

Tracking the Oil Spill in the Gulf(交互式追踪墨西哥湾的石油泄露)

Gulf Coast oil spill(墨西哥湾海岸的石油污染)

CNN Tracking the Gulf oil disaster(CNN 制作的墨西哥湾石油泄露追踪)

CNN Map: Impact of the oil disaster(这次石油泄露事件的影响)

Deepwater Horizon : la marée noire du siècle(世纪大溢油)

Day 54 of Gulf Oil Disaster(54天带来的灾难)

The Evolving Estimates Of BP’s Oil Leak(BP漏油事件的后续估算)

Just How Bad is the BP Oil Spill?(这次泄油事件有多糟糕)

Oil disaster by the numbers(从数字看石油灾难)

Gulf oil spill by the numbers(又一版本)

Crude Awakening(这次大灾难的重大损失)

The Spilled Disaster(漏油灾难) 
The Size of the Oil Spill(污染面积有多大)

In Deep Water(漏油对海洋的影响)

The Cost of Clumsiness(恶果)
 Cost and Effects of The BP Oil Spill(恶果2)

Gulf Oil Spill Numbers(从数字看漏油事件)

The Current State of the Gulf Oil Spill(墨西哥湾现状)

The Oil spill(漏油事件)

How did the oil and gas sector fare last year?(过去一年石油和天然气行业日子过得怎么样)

Deepwater Horizon’s Cementing(油井补救)

First success in oil spill cleanup(清理污染的初步成果)
 Riser Insertion Tube Tool(油井补救2)

Drilling the relief wells(再打一口井来缓解压力)

Containment dome to collect leaking oil in Gulf of Mexico(把漏油的井憋死)

Relief Well Reaches 8,000 Feet(压力缓解井已经打到了8000英尺深)

What’s going on beneath the sea?(海底现在怎么样了)

Deepwater Horizon Victims(受害者)

How oil spills endanger sea life(海洋生物的灾难)

The US Oil Spill Endangers the Rare Bird’s Habitat Near the Coastal Islands(危机珍惜海鸟的栖息地)

Nantucket Windfarm vs. Gulf Oil Spill, Which Impacts the Environment More?(美国心批准的离岸风力发电站与墨西哥湾石油泄露污染对比)

Who’s the Boss?(谁是老板)

BP’s Production Costs vs Production in the Gulf(BP在墨西哥湾的生产成本与产出)

Egregious Citations Issued to BP(BP之恶名)

Fun Ways to Measure the Size of the BP Gulf Oil Spill(如何衡量漏量)
 The Skinny On The Oil Spill(漏油事件里的数字)

Surface of the Earth(地球的表面)

Coke + BP (可口可乐和BP)

本文国际来源:inspiredm.com 50 Ways of Visualizing BP’s Dark Mess (原文作者:TSSVeloso)
中文翻译来源:锐商企业CMS 网站内容管理系统 官方网站 |